The EC Collective Agreement 2020: What You Need to Know

The European Commission (EC) is the governing body of the European Union (EU) and is responsible for managing the EU`s policies and programs. One of the essential functions of the EC is negotiating collective agreements on behalf of the EU institutions.

In 2020, the EC negotiated a new collective agreement with the EU`s staff unions, covering employees in all EU institutions. The agreement came into effect in January 2021 and will remain in place for the next five years.

So, what does the EC Collective Agreement 2020 entail, and how does it affect EU staff? Here are some key highlights:

1. Salary Increases

Under the new agreement, EU staff will receive a salary increase of 2% per year, on average, over the next five years. This increase is meant to compensate for inflation and to provide a fair wage for EU employees.

2. Teleworking

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work worldwide, and the EU institutions are no exception. The new collective agreement recognizes teleworking as an essential tool for the EU institutions and sets out rules for teleworking, including work-life balance, data protection, and cybersecurity.

3. Working Hours

The new agreement sets working hours at 40 hours per week, with possible flextime arrangements in some cases. The EC has also committed to monitoring and ensuring that EU staff members take adequate rest periods and breaks.

4. Parental Leave

The EC Collective Agreement 2020 recognizes the importance of family life and provides for extended parental leave and special leave for family reasons.

5. Career Development

The EU institutions offer diverse opportunities for career development, and the new collective agreement aims to support the career development of EU staff. The agreement includes provisions for career guidance, training, and mobility opportunities.

Overall, the EC Collective Agreement 2020 aims to provide a better work-life balance, fair compensation, and improved working conditions for EU staff. The agreement reflects the changing world of work and acknowledges the importance of digitalization and teleworking while ensuring that EU staff members are adequately protected and supported.

As a professional, I highly recommend that you keep yourself updated with the latest developments surrounding the EC Collective Agreement 2020 because it affects thousands of EU employees and is likely to have an impact on the broader EU policies and programs.